"An Integrated Infrastructure Management System" by William V. Harper and Kamran Majidzadeh

Mathematics Faculty Scholarship

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Roads to the 21st Century: a Key to Competitiveness


Transportation Association of Canada


Integrated Infrastructure System, Bridge Management Systems, Fuzzy Set Theory


This paper describes an integrated infrastructure system (with emphasis on pavement and bridge management systems) that allows cost minimization or benefit maximization. It integrates separate infrastructure systems so that management may optimally allocate scarce resources across the combined systems. Fuzzy set theory is used in these optimizations to better address the desirability or undesirability of the condition states used to categorize the infrastructure segments modeled. Both steady-state and multi-year models are part of this system. The full mathematical structure of the simpler steady-state problem is presented, and sample multi-year output showing the integrated budgets is given.

First Page


Last Page




Original Citation

Harper, W.V., and K. Majidzadeh, "An Integrated Infrastructure Management System", Roads to the 21st Century, Vol 3, Transportation Association of Canada, 1994, pp. 53-64.


Publisher's Version

Publisher's Statement

Reproduced with the express written authority of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC).

Peer Reviewed




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