Mathematics Faculty Scholarship
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences
Wheaton, Illinois: ACMS
Mathematics, Philosophy, Platonism
Mathematics, as an academic discipline, has stood for many years as the last bastion against a growing tide of intellectual relativism that has become all but ubiquitous. More recently, however, efforts have been made to "humanize" mathematics by advocating a social-constructivist approach to the philosophy of mathematics, both in practice and education. This paper is intended to serve as a critical response to one advocate of this approach, Reuben Hersh (What Is Mathematics, Really?, 1997), and in the process a defense of Platonism.
First Page
Last Page
Repository Citation
Stucki, David J., "The Deconstruction of Mathematics: A criticism of Reuben Hersh's What Is Mathematics, Really? and the Humanist Philosophy of Mathematics" (1999). Mathematics Faculty Scholarship. 16.
Original Citation
Stucki, David J. "The Deconstruction of Mathematics: A criticism of Reuben Hersh's What Is Mathematics, Really? and the Humanist Philosophy of Mathematics." Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (1999):1-21
Publisher's Version
Peer Reviewed