Library Faculty & Staff Scholarship
Submissions from 2023
Submissions from 2021
Research on the Cultivation of False Information Identification Ability of Users by University Libraries at Home and Abroad, Yan-ping Jiang, Xiao-hong Chen, Jane Wu, and Wanjun Xia
Submissions from 2019
Digitizing Historic Sports Films, Sarah L. Whybrew
Telling Your Library's Story: Creating an Annual Report that Shows Your Value, Kristin Cole
Submissions from 2018
Reading Promotion: Conceptual Models and Category Frameworks Analysis, Youhua Chen, Jane Wu, and Qingling Huang
Book Nook for All: How Library Partnerships Can Grow Advocacy Poster Presentation, Jessica C. McIntosh
Creating a Digital Theatre Collection, Sarah L. Whybrew
Book Nook for All: How Library Partnerships Can Grow Advocacy, Jessica C. McIntosh and Kirsten Peninger
All Means All: Getting the Conversation Started, Elizabeth Zeitz and Kirsten Peninger
Submissions from 2017
What's in a Name? The faces behind the places of Otterbein University, Stephen D. Grinch Mr
Exploring Information Literacy Abroad: Librarians and International Service Learning, Jessica C. McIntosh
Submissions from 2016
Designing and Implementing a Sustainable Institutional Repository Initiative in a Tight Budget Time, Jane Wu
Transformational Instruction Building an Inclusive Learning Community for Asian Students, Jane Wu
No, we don’t just read books all day… Developing Statistical Narratives/Infographics for Technical Services, Amy B. Parsons
Worlds Away: A Photo Story from a Traveling Librarian, Jessica Crossfield-McIntosh
Rethinking the Concept of “Information Literacy”: a German Perspective, Rares G. Piloiu
Submissions from 2015
Know the Lingo: How ILEAD Ohio Influenced Library Collaboration and Discovery for Patrons, Jessica Crossfield McIntosh, Kirstin Krumsee, Julie Zaveloff, and Derek Zoladz
Submissions from 2014
Science, Culture, and Modernity in Chengdu China June 4 - June 18, 2014, Sarah Bouchard, Paul Eisenstein, Jane Wu, and Anna M. Young
Implementation of RDA in the OPAL Consortium, Elizabeth A. Salt, David Powell, and Jack Wu
Submissions from 2013
Participatory Librarianship: Academic Librarians Role in the Changing Campus Internationalization Environment, Jane Wu and Lois F. Szudy
Submissions from 2012
Globalization and Libraries, What Are Academic Librarians Role in Respond to Their Institution’s Internationalization Efforts?, Jane Wu and Guoqing Li
Far Across the Ocean: An Otterbein Librarian at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Elizabeth A. Salt
Submissions from 2011
Information Literacy Initiatives at the Otterbein University Library, Elizabeth A. Salt
Sustainable Collaborations for OPAL Depository Collections: Meeting the Needs, Bridging the Gaps, Jane Wu
Cooperative Cataloging in Academic Libraries: From Mesopotamia to Metadata, Elizabeth A. Salt
Submissions from 2007
If it is Tuesday, it must be Shanghai, Jane Wu and Lois Szudy
Books from 1995
Pleasant Ohio: Songs of Ohio's History Accompanied by Mountain Dulcimer, Elizabeth A. Salt
Books from 1992
Buckeye Heritage: Ohio's History in Song, Elizabeth A. Salt
Submissions from 1988
The Icelandic Langspil, Elizabeth A. Salt