County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell Et Al., June 20, 1933
Abbie Geneva Cornell and Henry Frank
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G. Cornell et al. to Franklin County based on properties owned in Blendon and Westerville. All three forms have an official stamp from the office of Henry Frank, County Treasurer, confirming that payment was received on December 8, 1933. Abbie G. Cornell et. al. paid $102.60 on 1.964 Acres at 281 S. State Street in Westerville (Blendon), $57.08 on 98.5 Acres at Spring Road in Blendon, and $46.94 on 20.736 Acres at State Street in Blendon (Westerville Corp.).
Letter to Miss Geneva Cornell Regarding the Holly Cornell Estate
Abbie Geneva Cornell
This typewritten letter sent to "Miss Geneva Cornell" on May 26, 1933, by the lawyer Roscoe R. Walcut (RRW/MLC) regarding the Hollie Cornell estate.
Board of Revision Tax Reduction for Geneva Cornell
Board of Revision of Franklin County
Three identical forms from the Board of Revision of Franklin County stapled together, which inform Abbie Geneva Cornell that she has received a tax reduction based on the "complaint as filed by [her] against the 1932 real estate values." The topmost form is dated to May 9, 1933. The last two pages have handwritten notes or letters on the back.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell Et. Al., Whittemore Act, 1933
Abbie Geneva Cornell and Henry Frank
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G Cornell et. al. to Franklin County on properties in Blendon and Westerville Corp. (of Blendon). All three forms have an official stamp from the County Treasurer confirming payment on December 8, 1933. Abbie G. Cornell et. al. paid $7.07 on 1.964 Acres [on] 281 S. State St., $3.64 on 20.736 Acres on State Road, and $4.70 on 98.5 Acres on Spring Rd.
Letter to Geneva Cornell from Roscoe Walcutt, September 19, 1932
Roscoe Walcutt
Printed letter to Geneva Cornell from Roscoe Walcutt about the enrollment of her nephew at Otterbein and tuition payment.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell Et. Al., December 20, 1931
Abbie Geneva Cornell and Karl H. Hoenig
Three tax forms confirming that Abbie G Cornell et. al. paid the money due on three properties for the Dec. 20, 1931 deadline. She paid $70.68 on 281 State St. and $36.36 on 23 A. State St. in Westerville Corp. - Blendon, as well as $47.04 on 98.5 Acres at Spring Rd. in Blendon. These forms are stamped in purple by the Franklin County officials to confirm payment on March 18, 1932.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell et. al., June 20, 1931
Abbie Geneva Cornell and Karl H. Hoenig
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G Cornell et. al. to Franklin County on properties in Blendon on June 20, 1931. All three are stamped to certify the payment was received; $27.14 for 207.36 A. State St., $77.25 for 281 S. State St., and $67.77 for 98.5 A. Spring Rd.
Insurance Receipt, Geneva Cornell, April 22, 1931
Geneva Cornell
Envelope containing a receipt from The Prudential Insurance Company of America to Geneva Cornell and a pamphlet expressing the company's thanks.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell et. al., June 20, 1930
Abbie Geneva Cornell and Karl H. Hoenig
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G Cornell et. al. to Franklin County on properties ($60.92 for 98.5 A. Spring Road, $27.07 for 23.036 A. State St., & $119.69 for 281 S. State St.) in Blendon Township (and the Westerville Corp.) on June 20, 1930. All three are stamped to certify the payment was received.
Insurance Remittance, Geneva Cornell, March 26, 1930
Geneva Cornell
Insurance remittance to Geneva Cornell from The Prudential Insurance Company of America stating the amount due.
The Prudential Insurance Company of America Advertisement, 1930
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Printed postcard advertising the services of The Prudential Insurance Company of America to policyholders.
Guide to Physical Anthropometry and Anthroposcopy
Charles B. Davenport
Charles B. Davenport's Guide to Physical Anthropometry and Anthroposcopy was published as part of the Eugenics Research Association's Handbook Series. The author, Davenport, was a leader in the American eugenics movement, which was informed by strains of Classist, Racist, and Ableist thought. The stamp in the top right corner of the book's inside cover indicates it was owned by "Merriss Cornell, School of Social Administration, Ohio State University."
Insurance Receipt, Geneva Cornell, March 23, 1926
Geneva Cornell
Printed receipt of Geneva Cornell's $151.45 payment to the Prudential Insurance Company of America.
Letter to Royal Cornell from Richard Biehl, October 3, 1923
Richard Biehl
Printed to Royal Cornell from Richard Biehl, city manager, regarding confirmation of their agreement about the village and Cornell's property.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell et. al., June 20, 1923
Abbie Geneva Cornell and William M. Ginder
Three tax receipts for money paid to Franklin County for properties in Blendon Township owned by Abbie G. Cornell et. al. on June 20, 1923; all three are stamped to certify payment was received.
County Tax Forms, Abbie G. Cornell, June 20, 1922
Abbie Cornell and William M. Ginder
Three tax forms for money Abbie G. Cornell et al. owes to Franklin County for the June 20, 1922 tax assessment on properties for the year 1921. All three forms lack an official stamp from the office of William M. Ginder, County Treasurer, confirming that Franklin County has received payment. Moreover, all three forms still have the Cashier's Stub attached.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell, June 20, 1922
Abbie Geneva Cornell and William M. Ginder
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G. Cornell et al. to Franklin County for the June 20, 1922 tax assessment on properties for the year 1921. All three forms have an official stamp from the office of William M. Ginder, County Treasurer, confirming payment on July 20, 1922. Abbie G. Cornell et al. paid $36.54 for [23.036] Acres in Blendon, $191.16 for 1.964 Acres in Blendon Westerville, and $69.51 for 98.5 Acres in Blendon.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell Et Al., June 20, 1921
A. J. Kiner and Abbie Geneva Cornell
Three tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G. Cornell to Franklin County for the June 20, 1921 tax assessment on properties in Blendon and Westerville. All three forms have an official stamp from the office of A. J. Kiner, County Treasurer, confirming payment on July 7, 1921. Abbie G. Cornell et al. paid $192.28 for a 1.964 acre property in Westerville Corp, $77.95 for a 98.5 acre property in Blendon Township, and $40.97 for a 23.036 acre property in Blendon Township.
Loan Note, December 16, 1920
Thomas H. Bradrick
Loan receipt for $300 paid to Lewis Cornell by Thomas H. Bradrick.
County Tax Receipt, Abbie G. Cornell, June 20, 1920
A. J. Kiner and Abbie Geneva Cornell
Four tax receipts for money paid by Abbie G. Cornell et al. to Franklin County for the June 20, 1920 deadline on "Taxes Assessed and Levied upon the Duplicate for 1919" on properties in Westerville and Blendon. All four forms have an official stamp from the office of A. J. Kiner, County Treasurer, confirming payment on July 14, 1920.
Letters to Lucinda L. Merriss from L. Mildred Macy & Frank Merriss
L. Mildred Macy and Frank Merriss
Two letters, which share a single piece of paper, sent to Lucinda L. Merriss by her niece, L. Mildred Macy, and her brother, Frank J. Merriss. The letter from Mildred discusses a recent valentine postcard sent to her from Lucinda. Meanwhile, Frank's postcard discusses the recent winter and Margaret's illness.
Neptune Water Meter Book
Neptune Meter Co.
The 1919 Neptune Water Meter Book is a pocket-sized volume bound in leather with gilt edges. It functions as a pocket guide to the Neptune Co. suite of water meter products (Trident-Disk, Trident-Crest, etc.)
High School Life Certificate for Abbie Geneva Cornell
Archives and Abbie Cornell
High School Life Certificate awarded to Abbie Geneva Cornell by the Ohio State Board of Examiners.
Letter to T. H. Bradrick from J. F. Rogers, August 28, 1914
J. F. Rogers
Printed letter to T. H. Bradrick from J. F. Rogers about John B. Cornell's land.
Two Newspaper Clippings
J. B. Galbraith
The newspaper clipping titled "Short Stories of Ohio," written by J. B. Galbraith, covers Dr. Otto B. Cornell's discovery of an old poem manuscript from his mother, Lucinda Lenore Merriss, which she supposedly wrote with the help of Ben Hanby. The second clipping, titled "Getting Together" with an unknown author, reports on the "proposed union of the [Republicans and Progressives] under the G. O. P."