Otterbein Aegis 1890-1917
In 1890 the Otterbein Aegis, of the same general character [a monthly publication], and under the same auspices [the Philophronean Literary Society], was established and has ever since been issued by the Philophronean Publishing Company. It is a monthly, issued ten months in the year, at the very reasonable subscription rate of fifty cents per annum [approximately $14.00 in 2019].
It has well maintained the high standard of its predecessor, the Record, and has not simply chronicled the events of importance in the local work of the university and the notable achievements of its sons and daughters abroad, but has put to record much of the best literary output of the university during the period of its publication. It has been very loyal and faithful to the university, and has rendered very effective service in promoting its interests and welfare.
The Otterbein Aegis successfully concluded its publication in the spring of 1917, when all student journalistic efforts were turned toward the new weekly newspaper, The Tan and Cardinal which is also archived in the Digital Commons@Otterbein.
Otterbein Aegis May 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Auld Lang Syne: Forty Years Ago; Literary: The Mission of Genius; The Development of the Indo-European Language; Critique-Lucile; Bacteria; Baseball: Otterbein Defeated; Alumni Corner: Personalia; Differentials: Locals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis April 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Auld Lang Syne: Forty Years Ago; Literary: The Trend of Events; The Reign of Superstition; Creative Mind; Baseball: The Opening; Alumni Corner: Personalia; Differentials: The Semi-Centennial Celebration; Ohio State Oratorical Contest; Locals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis March 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Literary: Invective-Ab Dul Hamid II., Sultan of Turkey; Harriet Beecher Stowe; English in the College Curriculum; Auld Lang Syne: Reminiscences of Saum Hall; Alumni Corner: Personalia; Columbus Alumnal Association of O.U.; Differentials: The Art Department in Masquerade; Oratorical Contest; Echoes from Springfield; Locals; Our Scissors, etc.
Otterbein Aegis February 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Literary: The Duality of Mind; Eulogy-Jennie Lind; Auld Lang Syne: A Glance Backward; Alumni Corner: Personalia; Differentials: Our Athletes; Association Notes; Locals; Editor's Buckeyes; With Our Scissors, etc.
Otterbein Aegis January 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Observations; Literary: A Revival in College; Edgar Allan Poe; Auld Lang Syne: The Relation of the East to the Semi-Centennial of Otterbein University; Items of Unwritten History; Alumni Corner: Personalia; Our Faculty; Dayton Alumnal Banquet; Otterbein Association of Columbus; Differentials: Above the Clouds; Beyonds he Portals - In Memoriam; Association Notes; Locals; With Our Scissors, etc.
Otterbein Aegis December 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: The Editor's Corner; The Dayton Alumna! Association; What is "X"; Auld Lang Syne: Mount Pleasant College and Otterbein University; Some O. U. Boys in the War; Football: Football at Otterbein; Otterbein at Springfield on Thanksgiving Day; They Have Finished, but Still Live; Locals; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Alumnals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis November 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Raps; "Max and Zan and Nicodemus,”; Astronomical for December; Altruism; The Palladium of America; The Thirst for Knowledge; On the Gridiron; Above the Clouds; Otterbein University and Thanksgiving; Alumnals; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Locals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis October 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: In Our Sanctum; Some Uses of Mathematics; Mr. and Mrs. Minshall Consecrated; Robert Burns; The Pure the Abiding; Football; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Locals; Alumnals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis September 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Opening; The Unconscious in Education; Y. M. C. A. Summer Conference- Lake Geneva; The Lecture Course; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; O Hymen Hymenaee; Alumnals; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis June 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Events of Commencement Week; Sculptors of Life Are We; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Alumnals; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis May 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Short Sketches of the Seniors; "Through Colorado Springs and the Garden of the Gods,"; "Bill" Nye; The Broken Heart; Value of Higher Education; The Harebell; Baseball; Editorial; Literary Society Songs; In Memoriam; Alumnals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis April 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: An Australian Landscape; "Palma Non Sine Labore,"; Roman Law in Modern Life; The Destiny of the Race; Baseball; Editorial; Alumnals; Points; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis March 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: The Edict of Nantes; Higher Criticism and the Bible; The Higher Criticism-The Objection; The Mummy Did It; Editorial; Ohio State Oratorical Contest; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Alumnals; Locals; Points, etc.
Otterbein Aegis February 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Cleopatra; Journalism-Its Spirit and Influence; What is Worth While; Oratorical Contest; Editorial; Alumnals; Locals; Points, etc.
Otterbein Aegis January 1896
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; The Mill on the Floss; Musical Traces; Man Can Make and.Appreciate Music- Why? Chicago Alumnal Association; Points; Personals; Locals; Alumnals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis December 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Eulogy-Henry W. Grady; At Twilight; Otterbein Team, 1895, (illus.); Football Aftermath; Statement of Football Management; Y. W.C. A. Notes; Points; Alumnal Notes; Personals; The Cincinnati Alumnal Association; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis November 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; The Influence of Popular Government; Representative Authors and Men of America; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Football; Points; Alumnal Notes; Personals; Locals; Card of Thanks; Exchanges; Trilbies, etc.
Otterbein Aegis October 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; The Preacher and the College; Lord Byron's "Fare Thee Well !"; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C A. Notes; Football Matters; Exchanges; Locals and Personals; Death of D. L. Rike; Alumnal Notes, etc.
Otterbein Aegis September 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Conscience in Work; Lake Geneva; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C· A. Notes; Lecture Course; Locals; Personals; Alumnal Notes; Athletics, etc.
Otterbein Aegis June 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; The Art Studio; Dedication; Commencement; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis May 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; A Day at Harvard; Letters from Africa; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Baseball; Receptions; Personals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis April 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; The Church of To-morrow; The Napoleon of the Blacks; Presidential Conference; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Personals; Locals; College Notes and Verse, etc.
Otterbein Aegis March 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; A Tribute to A Genius; The Hero of a Race; The Newark Convention; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Personals; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis February 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Review of McCosh's Philosophy; Career and Mission of the Lawyer; A Wheel Within a Wheel; Friendship; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Personals; Locals; De Alumnis; Clippings, etc.
Otterbein Aegis January 1895
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; A Chapter on Economics; Eulogy- Lady Henry Somersett; The Ministry of Beauty; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Wedding Bells; Locals; Personals; College World, etc.