Otterbein Aegis 1890-1917
In 1890 the Otterbein Aegis, of the same general character [a monthly publication], and under the same auspices [the Philophronean Literary Society], was established and has ever since been issued by the Philophronean Publishing Company. It is a monthly, issued ten months in the year, at the very reasonable subscription rate of fifty cents per annum [approximately $14.00 in 2019].
It has well maintained the high standard of its predecessor, the Record, and has not simply chronicled the events of importance in the local work of the university and the notable achievements of its sons and daughters abroad, but has put to record much of the best literary output of the university during the period of its publication. It has been very loyal and faithful to the university, and has rendered very effective service in promoting its interests and welfare.
The Otterbein Aegis successfully concluded its publication in the spring of 1917, when all student journalistic efforts were turned toward the new weekly newspaper, The Tan and Cardinal which is also archived in the Digital Commons@Otterbein.
Otterbein Aegis December 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Pioneer Life; Thomas Jefferson-One of the Nation's Builders; Invective-Mary Queen of Scots; Alumnals; Magazine Review; Editorials; Football; Personals; Locals
Otterbein Aegis November 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Mound by the Sea; Points and Pointers; Benjamin Franklin; The Emerson Club; Football; Society Halls; Association Notes; Alumnals; Locals; Magazine Reviews; Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis October 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The College Classes; Expression Not Repression; Scholarship and Country; The Work of the American School at Corinth; Oliver Cromwell; Football; Alumnal Notes;
Otterbein Aegis September 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; Emerson as a Poet; Debate; The Real and the Ideal; Association Notes; Athletics; Alumnal Notes; Locals
Otterbein Aegis June 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Source of Spiritual Power; Address of President to Board of Trustees; Gleanings from the Treasurer's Report; The Senior Class; This and That;
Otterbein Aegis May 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Relation of Art to Morality; Two Prose Tales from Edgar Allen Poe; The Spirit That Should Animate; The Study of Music; Baseball; The New Catalogue; Locals; Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis April 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; America in the Balance; Personal Influence; Can America Cope with Arising Exigencies?; The Divine in Art; State Oratorical Contest; In Memoriam; Locals;
Otterbein Aegis March 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The School; What Is a Gentleman?; The Original Element in Literature; The Universal Longing of Mankind; Nicholas II., Czar of Russia; Otterbein Honored; Oratorical Contest; Jessie Landis' Recital; Society Halls; Baseball; Ye Alumni; Locals; Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis February 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The School; "Captains Courageous"-A Critique; Qualities Requisite for a Profession; Ruth; D1y of Prayer; The University and the Kaiser; Social Events; Alumni as Ministers; Locals; Exchanges; Ye Alumni
Otterbein Aegis January 1899
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The School; The Twentieth Century Idea of Education; Advanced America; Societies; Alumnals; College World; Locals; Exchanges;
Otterbein Aegis December 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; Nathaniel Hawthorne; The Soul of Song; Football; Alumnals; Societies; College World; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis November 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Present Critical Condition of France; Helen Gould-A Sketch; The War of Creeds; Association Notes; Class Affairs; Football; Other Colleges; Alumnals; Locals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis October 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; Beneath the Surface; Reading; Association Notes; Other Colleges; Class Affairs; Alumnals; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis September 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Old Otterbein-A Symposium; The Smaller College; The Realm of Mathe1i1atics; Association Notes; Athletics; Obituary; Alumnals; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis June 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Graduating Class; The Graduates-Theses and Degrees; The Seniors- Whence and Whither; The Junior Banquet; Commencement Address- The Form and the Substance of Culture; Commencement Events; Pedagogics in Otterbein, etc.
Otterbein Aegis May 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Music in Otterbein; Invective- Lord Byron; Natural Science in Otterbein; The War of Jupiter and the Titans; Athletics; Alumnals; Y. W. C. A. Notes; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis April 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial; Contest Orations; My Plans for the Future; The Struggle of Civilization; Scholarship and Country; The Mission of the College Man; This One Thing We Do; Eloquence, etc.
Otterbein Aegis March 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Modern Languages in Otterbein; The Future Status of the Aryan Race; Art in Otterbein; English in Otterbein; Association Notes; Alumnals; Literary Societies; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis February 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; A Review-Quo Vadis; A Vacation Experience; The Bible in Otterbein; Philosophy in Otterbein; Athletics; Christian Associations; Alumnals; Locals; Exchange, etc.
Otterbein Aegis January 1898
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Latin in Otterbein; Critique-The Lady of the Lake; Heredity; Mathematics in Otterbein; A Vacation Experience; The Concert Company; A Defense of the Dead Languages; Alumnal Notes; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis December 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; We too Will Yet Conquer; The Development of Democracy; A Vacation Experience; The Jews; Greek in Otterbein; Cap and Gown; Athletics; Equal Payment for Equal Work; Y . W. C. A. Notes; Y. M. C. A. ; Alumnal Notes; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis November 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Religion; The Hard Divine; The Present State of the Jews; When Matilda Goes Kneipping; A Vacation Experience; Alumnal Notes; Football; Locals, etc.
Otterbein Aegis October 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; A Short Treatise on the Cell and Cell Theory; Arbitration Versus War; Athletic; Civil Law; Alumnal Notes; Locals; Exchanges, etc.
Otterbein Aegis September 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; The New Half Century; Alumnal Notes; The Northfield Conference; Summer Conference of the Y. W. C. A.; Football; In Memoriam; Lecture Course; Locals; Otterbein vs. Oberlin, etc.
Otterbein Aegis June 1897
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial Etchings; Historical and Literary: Early History of Otterbein University; Semi-Centennial Ode to Otterbein; Commencement Address-What Modern Life Demands in the Scholar; Events of Commencement Week; Faculty and Graduates: Our Faculty; The Graduates-Theses and Degrees; The Seniors-When, Where and Whither; Baseball: The Windup; Death by Drowning, etc.