Otterbein Aegis 1890-1917
In 1890 the Otterbein Aegis, of the same general character [a monthly publication], and under the same auspices [the Philophronean Literary Society], was established and has ever since been issued by the Philophronean Publishing Company. It is a monthly, issued ten months in the year, at the very reasonable subscription rate of fifty cents per annum [approximately $14.00 in 2019].
It has well maintained the high standard of its predecessor, the Record, and has not simply chronicled the events of importance in the local work of the university and the notable achievements of its sons and daughters abroad, but has put to record much of the best literary output of the university during the period of its publication. It has been very loyal and faithful to the university, and has rendered very effective service in promoting its interests and welfare.
The Otterbein Aegis successfully concluded its publication in the spring of 1917, when all student journalistic efforts were turned toward the new weekly newspaper, The Tan and Cardinal which is also archived in the Digital Commons@Otterbein.
Otterbein Aegis April 1902
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Doctor’s Story, America a World Power, Our Old College Janitor, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A Notes, Alumnals, Baseball, Locals, Books and Magazines
Otterbein Aegis March 1902
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Purpose of Life, Making a Life, The One Thing Needful, The Golden Bond,
Otterbein Aegis February 1902
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Development of the American University, The Unity of Christendom, Alumnals, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A Notes, The Oratorical Contest, Locals, The Cheerful Idiot
Otterbein Aegis January 1902
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Sone of Freedom, Old Pioneers, The Division of Labor, The Man for the Place, Great Convention of Students Will Meet in Toronto, Adress-Ideals, Alumnals, Y.M.C.A. Notes, Program, Book Notice, Locals, Exchanges,
Otterbein Aegis December 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, Football, Satire-Our Modern Democracy, A Roll of Honor-Our Presidents, The World’s Progress, The Small College and the Large, Woman’s Share in Primitive Culture, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A Notes, Alumnals, Locals,
Otterbein Aegis November 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, Deference, Man a Social Creature, Satire-Discontent of the American People, The Unseen Splendor, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A. Notes, Locals, Among the Magazines
Otterbein Aegis October 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Need of America, Nature and Her Poets, Oration-Quo Vadis Domine, Cremation, Otterbein and Pigskin, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A Notes, Alumnals, Locals, Among the Magazines
Otterbein Aegis September 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, Inaugural Address, The Progress of Invention, Football, Y.W.C.A. Notes, Y.M.C.A. Notes, Alumnals, Locals.
Otterbein Aegis June 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The American College the Prime Factor in Educational Development, Chinkapin’s Coons- An Election Episode, President’s Address, Baseball, Football, The Graduates and Their Subjects, Music Department, Art Department, Commencement Events
Otterbein Aegis May 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Study of History, The Chinese of America, Power of Influence, Baseball, Alumnals, Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, Locals
Otterbein Aegis April 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Spark Divine, The American Girl Student, President's Annual Report, A Day on the Olentangy, Alumnals, Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A, Death of a Loyal Friend, Programs, Locals, Baseball, Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis March 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: First Place, The Winning Oration, A Handful of Pinks, The Humanitarian, Charles Dickens, Y. M. C. A, Editorial, Y. W. C. A, Alumnals, Locals
Otterbein Aegis February 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Anglo-Saxon Triumvirate, Joseph Jefferson, Modern Bridge Building, Adventure, Alumnals, Y.W.C.A, Programs, Locals
Otterbein Aegis January 1901
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The Potency of Determination, A Midnight Escapade, Harnessing Niagara, Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, Banquet in Chicago, Alummnals, Locals, Installation Program
Otterbein Aegis December 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: How One Man is Solving the Problem, A Woman’s Idea of Love and Duty, Conception and Charm of Robinson Crusoe, Football Review, Y. M. C.A, Editorial, Y. W. C. A, Locals
Otterbein Aegis November 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: In Endless Change-Poem, The American Poet, The Tale of a Norwegian Violin, Football, Editorial, Alumnals, Y. M. C.A, Y. W. C. A, Installation Programs, Locals, Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis October 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, Professor J . E. Guitner, Resolutions of Respect, Critique-Kipling a Poet, Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A, Football, Alumnals, Locals, Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis September 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, Causes and Results, How Prince John Kept His Trust, The Great Ice Age, Football Outlook, Geneva Conference-Y.M.C.A, Conference-Y.W.C.A, Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, “Otterbein Reunion”, Citizens Lecture Course, Alumnals, Locals, Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis June 1900
Contents: Editorial, The President's Address, Visit to Baalbec, Luck, Class of 1900, Commencement Week, Ye Olden Time, The Treasurer's Report, Baseball, Football
Otterbein Aegis June 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorial, The President’s Address, Visit to Baalbec, Luck, Class of 1900, Commence Week, Ye Olden Time, The Treasurer’s Report, Baseball, Football
Otterbein Aegis May 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; Major Andre; Our Flag; Our Relation to the Dark Continent; Beppo-A Poem; Christian Association Notes; Alumnals; Personals; Locals
Otterbein Aegis April 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Chemistry; The Great Railroad System; P'anorama of the Alleghanies; Progress of Human Culture; Alumnals; Personals; Locals;
Otterbein Aegis March 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; The Study of Art; John Ruskin, His Life and Works; Man's Perverted Nature; Nature's Plan; The College Man's Relation to the World; Athletics; Alumnals; Personals; Locals; Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis February 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Editorials; Our Common Schools; A Sketch of Paul Kruger; Who is Able to Judge; America as a Power in the World; Old Ocean - A Poem; Y. M. C. A. Notes; Personals; Locals; Exchanges
Otterbein Aegis January 1900
Otterbein Aegis
Contents: Originality, What Is It; Goet he's Faust; The Real and the Imaginary; Alumnals; Editorials; Poem; Personals; Locals; Exchanges;