Theatre and Dance Student Scholarship and Creative Works | Theatre and Dance Department Collections | Otterbein University

Theatre and Dance Student Scholarship and Creative Works

This collection contains scholarship and creative works from students in the Theatre and Dance Department at Otterbein University which include but not limited to undergraduate honor's papers, distinction papers, etc.


Papers/Projects from 2020


Pilgrimage: True Belonging: Exploring the Human Desire to Belong Through Dance and Storytelling, Lincoln K. Belford


In the Pit: The Sight and Sound of Broadway Pit Orchestras, Kyle Krygielski

Papers/Projects from 2019


Greek Tragedy at Marion Correctional: An Exploration of Directing Theatre in Prison, Elise G. Woods

Papers/Projects from 2018


An Historical Analysis of the Relationship Between Organized Religion and Dramatic Theory, Emily Bubeck


An Embodied Analysis Of Humankind's Development and History as Viewed Through Our Art and Theatre, Mikayla Burr


The Picture of Dorian Gray: An Immersive Experience, Natalie Love

Papers/Projects from 2017


Not the Truth We Seek: The Story of a Mime, Fierce Women, Proposals, & Pro Wrestling, Steven Meeker Jr.

Papers/Projects from 2016


Exploring Femme Fatale Through Lady Macbeth, Tori Hidalgo

Papers/Projects from 2015


‘The 39 steps’ of stage management: an analysis of the evolution of professional stage managment practices and their application at Otterbein University's Department of Theatre 2011-present, Grace K. Murrin