"‘The 39 steps’ of stage management: an analysis of the evolution of " by Grace K. Murrin

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Projects

Date of Award


Document Type

Honors Paper

Degree Name



Theatre & Dance


Kristen Cooperkline

First Committee Member

Kristen Cooperkline

Second Committee Member

Christina Kirk

Third Committee Member

Karen Steigman


Stage management, Theatre, Paperwork, Technical theatre

Subject Categories

Other Theatre and Performance Studies


One of the most vital roles in the theatrical world is that of the stage manager. The stage manager’s job is to manage everything that happens on the stage. They create schedules, manage actors, keep track of props, set pieces, and costumes, record blocking, and call the show. The stage manager is the glue that holds the production together. They act as a facilitator, conductor, advisor, and leader. For my honors thesis project, I have explored stage management methods as they have developed and changed over time. I have applied four new-to-Otterbein methods of stage management through my stage management of The 39 Steps during the 2014 season of Otterbein Summer Theatre. I evaluated that experience against other stage management experiences I have had. Additionally, I interviewed my fellow stage management classmates to learn how these new-to-Otterbein methods have affected their styles of stage management. Through this research and application, I recommend that Otterbein’s Department of Theatre and Dance continues to anticipate changes in stage management practices and incorporate them into the curriculum.
