"The Utility of the DIBELS Phonemic Segmentation Fluency Assessment in " by Jennifer Lynn

Masters Theses/Capstone Projects

Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2022

Document Type


Degree Name

Special Education (MAE)

First Committee Member

Dr. Sue Constable


Dr. Paul Wendel

Second Committee Member

Dr. Allison McGrath


Reading Achievement, Reading Assessment, Phonemic Awareness, Phonological Awareness, Literacy Assessment, Reading Assessment Correlation

Subject Categories

Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Language and Literacy Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study is to investigate whether student scores on the kindergarten DIBELS PSF assessment are correlated with student reading assessment scores in third grade. I chose to examine this correlation because the kindergarten PSF score is used as one of the earliest identifiers of students who are at-risk for reading difficulties. I determined that a small number of those students who scored at-risk in kindergarten remained at-risk in the third grade.

Licensing Permission

Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use



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