Masters Theses/Capstone Projects
Date of Award
Spring 4-14-2022
Document Type
Degree Name
Curriculum and Instruction (MAE)
First Committee Member
Dr. Allison McGrath
Dr. Daniel Cho
Second Committee Member
Dr. Diane Ross
Early Intervention, Play, Project Based Learning, Curriculum Development
Subject Categories
Curriculum and Instruction | Early Childhood Education | Special Education and Teaching
The purpose of this study is to present an early intervention curriculum incorporating Project-Based Learning (PBL) and opportunities for play. The project aims to answer the questions: What does a Project-Based Learning curriculum model look like in high quality early childhood special education? How does PBL curriculum work in conjunction with play? The created curriculum answers these questions based on a review of research and guidance from three theoretical frameworks: a Vygotskian Tools of the Mind approach (Bodrova & Leong, 1996), implementation of PBL in early childhood (Lev et al., 2020) and the early intervention Building Blocks framework (Sandall et al., 2019). Early learning standards and differentiation strategies are embedded throughout the curriculum’s high-quality early learning environment set up, sample daily schedule, lessons for daily routines, lessons for rotational small group play centers, and four-week PBL unit. The proposed curriculum is designed for inclusive early learning settings (ages three to six years old) for peers and students who qualify for preschool special education services under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Licensing Permission
Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use
Recommended Citation
Million, Hannah Shullenberger, "Early Childhood Intervention Curriculum Creation: Using Playful Project-Based Learning" (2022). Masters Theses/Capstone Projects. 102.
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Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Early Childhood Education Commons, Special Education and Teaching Commons