Date of Award

Spring 5-2-2015

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Patricia Keane

First Committee Member

John Chovan

Second Committee Member

David Rubenstein

Third Committee Member

Susan Domingo


Filipino-American, Coronary Heart Disease, Knowledge, Cardiac Risk Profile, Heart Disease Fact Questionnaire

Subject Categories

Family Practice Nursing | Medicine and Health Sciences | Public Health and Community Nursing



Filipino-Americans (FAs) are considered the fastest growing Asian immigrant population in the United States. There are about 2.6 million Filipino-Americans living in the United States (U.S. Census, 2010). Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death among FAs in the United States (National Vital Statistics, 2009). Research studies on CHD and CHD risk factors among FAs are limited. The purpose of the study was to explore FAs’ knowledge of CHD, risk factors for CHD and to provide a personalized educational intervention in raising awareness and changing attitudes about CHD among FAs aged 35-75 in a community setting in Woodside, New York. Knowledge about CHD and its risk factors are vital components in engaging FAs to a healthier lifestyle. A quantitative study with a descriptive design was used in the study to explore CHD knowledge and CHD risk factors among FAs in a community setting. The Heart Disease Facts Questionnaire (Wagner, Lacey, Chyun, & Abbott, 2005), Socio-demographic and Cardiac Risk profile was used to obtain the data for the study. Data was gathered and obtained from September 2014 to December 2014 in a convenience sample of thirty seven participants. Simple descriptive statistics, such as mean, standard deviation and percentages, were used to analyze the data in the study. A personalized education program was provided to the participants based on their CHD knowledge and cardiac risk profile. The participants had suboptimal scores on the HDFQ questionnaire and the participants had some significant risk factors for CHD. The study revealed that the majority of the participants’ attitudes or feelings about making lifestyle changes related to the prevention of CHD changed after their personalized education intervention. Despite the limitations in the study, data gathered in the study is a step toward developing evidence-based prevention and health promotion interventions to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease among FA population



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