Doctoral Scholarly Projects | Student Research & Creative Work | Otterbein University

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Post Masters MSN to DNP degree is a practice-focused doctorate designed for expert advanced practice nurses and nurse executives. This is a collection of dissertations written by Otterbein University DNP students.

Most theses and dissertations completed after 2014 are included in Digital Commons @ Otterbein. Search the Library catalog to locate theses and dissertations completed prior to 2014.

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Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2025


Final Scholarly Project: Evidence-based Practice Guidelines for the Perioperative Management of Blood Glucose Levels in the Cardiac Surgery Patient, Chelsey Benner, DNP, Nursing


Using the Bispectral Index Monitor to Decrease the Incidence of Unintended Intraoperative Awareness in the High-Risk Population, Bridget Hayes, DNP, Nursing


Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Incorporating Paravertebral Blockade for Thoracic Surgery Adult Patients, India Hutchison, DNP, Nursing


Analysis of Clinical Outcomes and Cost Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Blocking Drug Reversal in Patients Classified as Obese, Trevor Mack, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for Utilizing Erector Spinae Plane Blockade for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, Gabrielle Metoyer, DNP, Nursing


Implementation of Guidelines for Preprocedural Ultrasound in Neuraxial Placement for Obstetric Patients with Scoliosis, Luther Nyirenda, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: The Administration of Transversus Abdominis Plane Blocks in Patients Undergoing Anesthesia for Open Ventral Hernia Repairs, Brennon Pinion, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Preoperative Anxiety, Whitney R. Stant, DNP, Nursing


Guidelines for Intraoperative Use of Quantitative Neuromuscular Monitoring, Alex Thompson, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for Perioperative Use of Dexmedetomidine in Pediatric Congenital Cardiac Surgery, Kayla Thomsen, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Guidelines for Pancreaticoduodenectomies, Rebecca Wheeler, DNP, Nursing


Clinical Guidelines for the Perioperative Management of Patients with Aortic Stenosis Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery, Owen Diehl, DNP, Nursing


Implementation Guidelines for Total Hip and Total Knee Arthroplasty to Reduce the Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Subsequent Pulmonary Embolism, Mitchell McCorkle, DNP, Nursing

Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2024


Assessing Knowledge, Confidence, and Attitude Toward Virtual Care and Telehealth Among Graduate Nursing Students, Natasha Asante, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines: Anesthesia for Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty, Amanda Kleinfelder, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: Development of Evidenced-Based Practice Guidelines for Female Patients Undergoing Anesthesia for Breast Cancer Surgery, Alexa High, DNP, Nursing


Educating Nurses on Frequent Oral Care for Mechanically Ventilated Patients: An Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal, Grace Alford, Susan Butz, Ruth Chavez, and Joy Shoemaker, DNP, Nursing


Educating Nurses on Frequent Oral Care for Mechanically Ventilated Patients: An Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal, Grace Alford, Susan Butz, Ruth Chavez, and Joy Shoemaker, DNP, Nursing


Educating Nurses on Frequent Oral Care for Mechanically Ventilated Patients: An Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal, Grace Alford, Susan Butz, Ruth Chavez, and Joy Shoemaker, DNP, Nursing


Preprocedural Ultrasound for Labor Neuraxial Anesthesia: Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations, Nicholas Anderson, DNP, Nursing


General Anesthesia Clinical Practice Guidelines for Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Bradley Closson, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-Based Practice Anesthesia Guidelines for Brain-Dead Organ Donors, Kelly Dzialowski, DNP, Nursing


Routine Evaluation with Gastric Ultrasound to Reduce Gastric Aspiration (REGURGA), Joel Jackson, DNP, Nursing


Viscoelastic Monitoring in Major Hepatic Surgery: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Randy Kinietz, DNP, Nursing


Guidelines for the Optimal Assessment of Airway to Predict Difficult Intubation, Morgan Kleinfelder, DNP, Nursing


Recommending an ERAS Guideline for Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty, Kahl Knapke, DNP, Nursing


An Evidence-Based Strategy for the Use of Simulation to Assess Situation Awareness in Applicants to Nurse Anesthesia Programs, Angela Lee, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for the Surgical Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Aaron McNeilan, DNP, Nursing


Development of an Evidence-Based CRNA Preceptor Training Program, Emmanuel Mensah, DNP


Development and Implementation of an Evidence Based Practice Guideline Related to the Management of Adult Angioedema, Megan Przybysz, DNP, Nursing


Incorporation of Mindfulness Application Use in Doctoral Nurse Anesthesia Curricula for Mitigation of Stress and Anxiety in Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Kerrie Rodgers, DNP, Nursing


Development of a ROTEM-guided Transfusion Algorithm in Cardiothoracic Surgery Patients, Kourtney Jane Snyder, DNP, Nursing


Evidence Based Practice Guidelines for the Pediatric Autistic Spectrum Disorder Population, Calvin Sparks, DNP, Nursing


Evaluating Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Organizational Commitment Following Stroke Unit Staffing Changes: An Evidence-based Quality Initiative, Heather Tatusko, DNP, Nursing


Evaluating Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Organizational Commitment Following Stroke Unit Staffing Changes: An Evidence-based Quality Initiative, Heather M. Tatusko Phiri, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention of Peripheral Neurological Injury During Robotic-assisted Prostatectomies for Patients in the Steep Trendelenburg Position, Tyler Wolpert, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: Optimal Perioperative Analgesic Management Guidelines for Elective Hip Arthroplasty in Adults, MaKyah Dittoe, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations for the use of a Cardiac Optimization Algorithm in Patients Undergoing a Whipple Procedure, Jarrod Genther, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-based Recommendations for the Use of Neostigmine Versus Sugammadex in Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery, Ostap Dvorakevych, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-based Recommendations for the Use of Neostigmine Versus Sugammadex in Patients Undergoing Thoracic Surgery, Ostap Dvorakevych, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for Perioperative Multimodal Analgesia during Spine Surgery, JONATHAN WAGNER, DNP, Nursing


Development of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Patients at Risk of Emergence Delirium, Christina Bensley, DNP, Nursing


Music for Anxiolysis in Primigravida Undergoing Cesarean Delivery Under Neuraxial Anesthesia, Jonathan Garcia, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: Implementation Guidelines of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia in Pediatric Cardiac Surgical Patients, Matthew Hall, DNP, Nursing


Final Scholarly Project: Clinical Guidelines for the Perioperative Management of Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Requiring Anesthesia, Jessica Kayla Joos, DNP, Nursing


Guidelines for Non-Anesthesia Providers Performing Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) for Airway Assessment in the Emergency Room, Shannen Steinbrunner, DNP, Nursing


Enhancing SRNA Confidence: Integrating Simulation-Based CRM Training with Didactic Education to Improve Intraoperative Recognition, Communication, and Management of Intraoperative Cardiac Arrest, Melissa Lee, DNP, Nursing


Enhancing SRNA Confidence: Simulation-Based CRM Training for the Management of Intraoperative Cardiac Arrest, Melissa Lee, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Strategy to Improve Delirium Detection in Elderly Postsurgical Patients, Aimee Baker, DNP, Nursing


Implementation and Evaluation of a Structured Mentorship Program, Cary Bedinghaus and Caroline Hillman, DNP, Nursing

Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2023


Use and Evaluation of a New Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Program, Brandi Herman, DNP, Nursing


Implementation of Evidence Based Practices to Reduce Postoperative Sore Throat, Anthony Brusadin, DNP, Nursing


Implementation of Evidence Based Practices to Reduce Postoperative Sore Throat, Anthony Brusadin, DNP, Nursing


Implementation of a Diabetes Education Program in the Correctional Setting: A Project Proposal, Raymond Lengel, DNP, Nursing


Inadequacies in Nutritional Counseling in the Perinatal Population, Tiffany Fry, , Nursing


Standardized Handoffs For Anesthesia Students, Shawn Barkalow and Noah Prebish, DNP, Nursing


Breastfeeding After Maternal Anesthesia: A Guideline Development, Megan Berens, DNP, Nursing


Early vs Late Referrals to Nephrology and its Effect on Patient Outcomes in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients Who Are on Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) a Retrospective Chart Review, Tricia Brown, DNP, Nursing


Activated Clotting Times and Rebleed Rates in Pediatric Patients Post Cardiac Catheterization: A Pilot Project Proposal, Stacey Carey, DNP, Nursing


Development and Implementation of an Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Insertion Training Program for Student Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Nicholas Colangelo and Zachary Wise, DNP, Nursing


Communication Assessment Tools for Emergency Department Nurses who Interact with Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Holly Hunt, DNP, Nursing


Analysis of current practices in prehospital congestive heart failure care and protocol development to prevent readmission., Ayushma Neupane, DNP, Nursing


Increasing Awareness, Understanding, and Support for Healthcare Second Victims through the Creation and Distribution of an Infographic for Leaders and Executives, Theresa Reed, DNP, Nursing


The Effectiveness of Targeted Education on Improving Nurses’ Self-Efficacy in Caring for Psychiatric Patients on Medical Surgical Units, Rachel Shirey, DNP, Nursing


Ohio Forensic Nurse Examiners: Readiness to Care for Victims of Sexual Assault with Disability, Deanna Nicole Smith, DNP, Nursing


No-Show Rates in Community Mental Health Clinics, Teresa Jordan, DNP, Nursing


A Systematic Record Review of a Local Quality Improvement Impacts on Anesthesia Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Following a Presentation of Current Evidence-Based Practices Involving Intrathecal Mepivacaine Use in Total Joint Arthroplasty Surgical Patients, Kevin McClellan, DNP, Nursing


Examining the Need for Change by Describing the Attitudes and Perceptions of Team Communications Related to Patient Care and Safety Among Ambulatory Clinic Healthcare Staff, Peter Seivers, DNP, Nursing


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth Testing Strategies, Carla Bonczak, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-based Practice Guidelines for the Optimal Assessment of the Airway in Predicting Difficult Intubation, Meredith Louden, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prevention of Inadvertent Hypothermia in Total Joint Arthroplasty, Courtney Morris, DNP, Nursing


Development of Guidelines for Early Implementation of Regional Anesthesia in United States Personnel with Peripheral Injuries, Matthew Baker, DNP, Nursing


Pectoralis Nerve Block Compared to Thoracic Paravertebral Nerve Block in the Mastectomy Patient: Evidence-Based Practice Recommendations, Eric Boyer, DNP, Nursing


Guidelines for Performing Caudal Blocks in Pediatric Sub-Umbilical Surgeries, Rachael Allen, DNP, Nursing


Development and Implementation of an Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Regarding Cricoid Pressure, William Carson II, DNP, Nursing

Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2022


Nosocomial Antibiotic-Associated Clostridium Difficile Infections: An Organizational Assessment, Allison Bruce and Paxton Schwaderer, DNP, Nursing


Sedation Assessment and Management in the Intensive Care Unit, Kimberly Dyer and Courtney Garvey, DNP, Nursing


ERAS for Cardiac Surgery: Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline for Antifibrinolytic Administration in Cardiac Surgery, Christopher T. Foltz and Katonya C. Lawson, DNP, Nursing


Bridging the Gap Between Evidence Based Opioid Sparing Techniques and Anesthesia Provider Practice, Kelly Hempfling, DNP, Nursing


Change for the Ohio Nurse Practitioner Treating Worker's Compensation Patients: A Needs Analysis, Jessica Huff, DNP, Nursing


Protocol Development for Preventing Inadvertent Perioperative Hypothermia in Outpatient Surgical Patients, James Lower, DNP, Nursing


Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Development: Selection of Local Anesthetics and the Additive Dexamethasone in Brachial Plexus Blocks, Alexandra McGuire, DNP, Nursing


Clinical Recommendations for Non-Anesthesia Healthcare Providers Performing Emergency Airway Management Outside the Operating Room, Danielle Ridgway, DNP, Nursing


Evidence Based Practice Strategies: Using Price Lists and Peer Coaching to Improve Medication Cost Containment and Documentation Practices in Anesthesia Providers at an Urban Level One Trauma Center, Abigalle Ryan Sparrow, DNP, Nursing


Safety Measures in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit: An Organizational Assessment, Tina Yates, DNP, Nursing


Evidenced-Based Practice Guideline Development: Selection of Local Anesthetics and the Additive Dexamethasone in Brachial Plexus Blocks, Sabina Lamichhane Wagle, DNP, Nursing


The Development of an Assessment Plan for Wellness and Risk for Substance Use in Nurse Anesthesia Students, Tessa Friend and Lauren Zaleski, DNP, Nursing


Proposal of a Clinical Practice Guideline for a Non-Pharmacologic Music Listening Complementary Pain Therapy, Alec Smith, Sean Lawler, and Joel Griffith, DNP, Nursing


Analysis of Clinical Outcomes and Cost-Effectiveness of Neuromuscular Blocking Drug Reversal in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Samantha Kinglsey and Aaron "Mitch" Corn, DNP, Nursing

Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2021


Eastern European Orthodox Christian Immigrant Women: A Pilot Study and Needs Assessment, Kimberly A. Babich-Speck, DNP, Nursing


Evaluating VA Nurse Acceptance of Virtual Healthcare Technology During the Coronavirus Outbreak, Francesca Bryan-Couch, DNP, Nursing


Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI) in Critical Care: A Quality Improvement Project, Bonnie M. Fagan and Susan Butz, DNP, Nursing


Professional Quality of Life Indicators and Turnover Intention in Forensic Nurses, Leigh Anne Meyer, DNP, Nursing


Reducing Missed Appointments with Specialized Appointment Reminders, Lindsay Sanders, DNP, Nursing

Doctoral Scholarly Projects from 2020


POSTER: Impact of Educational Modules on Knowledge among Neuroscience Nurses Working in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU), Shivani Bhatnagar and Joy Shoemaker, DNP, Nursing


REPORT:Impact of Educational Modules on Knowledge among Neuroscience Nurses Working in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU), Shivani Bhatnagar and Joy Shoemaker, DNP, Nursing


POSTER: Creating and Piloting a Survey to Determine Readiness in Rural Populations in Ohio, Annie Bowen and Kay Ball, DNP, Nursing


REPORT: Creating and Piloting a Survey to Determine Readiness in Rural Populations in Ohio, Annie Bowen and Kay Ball, DNP, Nursing


POSTER: The Beat Stops Here: A Nurse-Driven Protocol to Manage Telemetry Orders, Holly Dripps and Kirk Hummer, DNP, Nursing


REPORT: The Beat Stops Here: A Nurse-Driven Protocol to Manage Telemetry Orders, Holly Dripps and Kirk Hummer, DNP, Nursing