Date of Award

Fall 12-11-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Dr. Deana Batross

First Committee Member

Dr. Chai Sribanditmongkol

Second Committee Member

Dr. Joy Shoemaker


Fellowship Programs, Residency Programs, Nurse Practitioner, Survey, Orientation, Mentorship

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences


The project addresses fellowship programs for new graduate nurse practitioners. The goal is to determine if a nurse residency or fellowship program is beneficial in role transition as a new graduate nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioner residency or fellowship programs are typically 12 months in duration, have small cohort sizes of two to four trainees, and are composed of a combination of didactic educational content, clinical supervision, peer support and debriefing, and self-reflection The study utilizes a survey design to measure the impact of a nurse practitioner fellowship program versus a standard orientation period. The article concludes with barriers and recommendations to complete for future projects.

Acknowledgement 1


Acknowledgement 2


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Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use



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