Joseph Kramm
Performance Dates
June 4-5, 1954
Creative Team
Director........................................Marion Chase
Student Director...........................Sally Hall
Technical Director........................John Bullis
Business Manager.......................Dave Warner
Set Design...................................Karol Knobloch
Jim Downs is brought to the psychiatric division of City Hospital after a suicide attempt. With the help of his estranged wife, who is with him night and day, he recovers. But this does not mean he is free to go home. His estranged wife conspires to keep Jim in the hospital until he renounces his girlfriend and agrees to go back with her. In the process, Jim is faced with well-meaning but inept institutional psychiatrists, who themselves have become victims of deadly routine. Through one test after another he is made to prove his sanity, until he almost loses it. Realizing the power of institutional law, Jim proceeds to give the "right answers," until he is finally released in the custody of his wife. Finally free, Jim knows that by compromising his integrity he has simply chosen the lesser of two evils.
Acting | Dance | Theatre and Performance Studies | Theatre History
Otterbein Theatre, Performing Arts, College Theater
Recommended Citation
Otterbein University, "The Shrike" (1954). 1907-1958 Productions. 86.