
Jonathan Spencer


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Performance Date

Fall 9-21-2023


Balcony from Left to Right: Jessica Noal as Frenchie, Roberto Silva-Neto as Herman, Tres Allison as Hans, Claire Stancy as Rosie, Jane Cook, Simone Gelety as Fritzie Ground Level from Left to Right Benjamin Hoover as Herr Schultz, Kinsey Calderone as Texas, Julia Murphy as Fräulein Schneider, Elise Karlstad as Helga, Ben Sanford as Emcee, Jackson Gifford as Victor, Caroline Bowers as Fräulein Kost, LaBron Foy as Bobby, Evan Blust as Ernst Ludwig


Directed by Lenny Leibowitz, Music Direction by Dennis Davenport, Choreography by Stella Hiatt Kane, Scenic Design by Isaac Ramsey, Costume Design by Thomas Martin '20, Lighting Design by Jonathan Spencer, Sound Design by Kitty Mader '22, Stage Managed by Libby Carroll

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