Physics Student Scholarship
This collection contains scholarship and creative works from students in the Department of Physics at Otterbein University which include, but not limited to undergraduate honor's papers, distinction papers, etc
Papers/Projects from 2020
Constraining Neutron Star Nuclear Equations of State Based on Observational Data, Alexander Clevinger
Papers/Projects from 2019
Long-Lived Scintillation Light from Cosmic Ray Muons in a LArTPC, Bradley Goff
Papers/Projects from 2018
Visualizing Quantum Dynamics, Tyler N. Thompson
Papers/Projects from 2017
Implementation And Characterization Of A Magneto-Optical Trap, Michael Anthony Highman
Papers/Projects from 2016
Using Precise Measurements of Muon g-2 to Constrain New Physics, Evan M. Heintz
Papers/Projects from 2015
Measuring the Hyperfine Splittings of Lowest Energy Atomic Transitions in Rubidium, Benjamin D. Graber
Analysis of the Energy Spectrum of Michel Electrons In MicroBooNE, Philip Griffith Kellogg