Mathematics Faculty Scholarship
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings of the 27th Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference
Clarion Technical Conferences
Pipeline Active Corrosion Growth, Statistically-active Corrosion, Successive In-Line Inspections
The integrated approach covered by this paper identifies corrosion activity using a combination of statistics, inspection-signal comparisons, and engineering analyses. The approach relies on an understanding of ILI and the mechanisms that cause corrosion and its growth. Pipeline operators can use the approach to calculate remaining lives, prioritize repairs and mitigation, and extend reassessment intervals. This process is collectively known as statistically-active corrosion.
Repository Citation
Bubenik, Tom; Harper, William V.; Moreno, Pam; and Polasik, Steven, "Identifying Locations Of Active Corrosion Growth From Successive In-Line Inspections" (2015). Mathematics Faculty Scholarship. 26.
Publisher's Statement
From the Proceedings of the 27th Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference, February 9-12, 2015. Copyright © 2015 Clarion Technical Conferences, Tiratsoo Technical and the authors. Used with permission.
Peer Reviewed
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Computer Sciences Commons, Engineering Commons, Mathematics Commons, Statistics and Probability Commons