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Date Range

Fall 2018


Donald T. Austin


"If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal."

Paulo Coelho


40" X 15"




Digital Inkjet Proof; Images produced with iPhoto 7+ phone camera; Typography and layout produced in Adobe Illustrator


Riverside State Park, Washington


Columbus, Ohio

Time Period

Fall 2018

For Sale?



There are many ways to explore the outdoors. Though I had owned a mountain bike for several years, I had never peddled on real mountain bike trails. Much like hiking, you get to see sights that are not possible from a road. But unlike hiking, riding a narrow trail between trees through the forest, bouncing over boulders and hauling yourself up and down steep grades while trying to stay on the bike is exhilarating, requires intense concentration and adds an element of danger to the adventure. This is good for both your body and mind. I have covered several thousand miles over the years riding a bicycle on all types of paved roads in several different parts of the country. None of that compared to what I discovered off-road back on the trails that went through the areas pictured above. Stopping for a water break was usually spent catching my breath due to the physical effort it took to get there. Of course, the view did a good job of taking my breath away too! This daily activity improved my cardiovascular system, shed unwanted pounds and made me feel incredibly good at the end of each ride. As a bonus, each ride rewarded me with scenery hidden away from the masses that, otherwise, I would have not discovered. No road noise, no motor exhaust and no boredom. This newly discovered passion opened a whole new world. Let’s go for a ride!

Fall 2

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