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Date Range

Fall 2018


Donald T. Austin


"I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”

Henry David Thoreau


36" X 18"




Digital Inkjet Proof; Images produced with iPhoto 7+ phone camera; Typography and layout produced in Adobe Illustrator




Columbus, Ohio

Time Period

Fall 2018

For Sale?



Washington State’s Nickname is “The Evergreen State.” So... it came as a complete surprise to see so much color during the month of October. In fact, the leaf color I witnessed was more intense than any place I’ve lived and this includes the mountains of Western North Carolina. Maybe the sun light at this time of year at nearly 49º north latitude produces a completely different perspective on the landscape compared to the view back East. Maples, Birch, Aspen and Tamaracks put on an awesome display against a backdrop of Evergreens and deep blue sky. At this time of the year, the air is so clear, it sparkles. The sun stays low on the horizon throughout the day producing a quality of light unlike any other time of the year. The smell of pine is so prominent; you feel completely rinsed. And... maybe another reason the color was so much more intense than what I have seen back East– there simply were no other people around observing what I saw on the day I made this drive. Autumn solitude in the back country. I had the “pumpkin” all to myself.

Fall 1

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