Guest Lectures for President Krendl's Women’s Leadership Class
Submissions from 2015
Women and Leadership: Collaboration, Kathy Krendl, John Kellogg, Diane Fosselman, David Collinsworth, Don Barlow, and Janet Davis
Women and Leadership: Mission, Purpose, Driving Force, Passion, Kathy Krendl, Miguel Martinez-Saenz, Robin Campbell, and Katie Johnson
Women and Leadership: Bold Ideas & Bold Actions, Kathy Krendl, Aslyne Rodriguez, Michelle Galligan, Jennie Scheinbach, and Tony R. Wells
Women and Leadership: Paying it Forward, Kathy Krendl, Wendy Sherman-Heckler, Casey Buckler, Barb Smoot, Caroline Z. Worley, Darla King, and Debbie Johnson
Women and Leadership: Understanding Community, Kathy Krendl, Tammy Wharton, Barb Poppe, Elfi Di Bella, Jane Wiechel, and Kimberly Sharp