Towers Magazine
Towers magazine has been published by Otterbein University since 1926, named for the main architectural feature of the schools main building, Towers Hall. The history of Towers magazine is incomplete due to a lack of early copies. The oldest magazine we believe to be a part of the Towers run was published in 1926 and was then named The Otterbein Alumni Magazine. The name was changed to Otterbein Towers (Vol. XII, No. 2) in 1939. It is currently a 52-page full-color magazine printed twice yearly with a circulation of around 28,000.
The mission of Towers magazine is to inform alumni, the campus community, parents and friends of the University on happenings and events of Otterbein, of its alumni, and of its community members; to communicate the heart, culture and voice of Otterbein; and to engage and further strengthen the ties of all constituents to Otterbein University