Mrs. Mannerly

Mrs. Mannerly


Streaming Media


Jeffrey Hatcher

Performance Dates

June 7-10 & 16-18, 2022

Creative Team

Directed by Melissa Lusher

Scenic Design by Rob Johnson

Costume Design by Anna Grywalski

Lighting Design by Matt Hazard

Sound Design by Nicole Hunter

Stage Managed by Allison Gammons


Inspired by hilarious memories of a childhood etiquette class, playwright Jeffrey Hatcher conjures up the world of a ten-year-old studying manners. Mrs. Mannerly is a demanding teacher, and no student in her thirty-six years of etiquette classes has achieved a perfect score. But when he discovers her secret past, Young Jeffrey is determined to be the first to achieve this feat. This unique comic tale reveals truths about the face we present and the real selves that lie inside.

Mrs. Mannerly
