Nursing Student Class Projects (Formerly MSN)

Academic Term


Document Type


Course Number


Course Name

Advanced Pathophysiology

Professor’s Name

Dr. Chovan


Diabetes Mellitus, Food Insecurity, Pathophysiology, Obesity

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


The topic of this poster is Diabetes Mellitus. This topic was chosen because 415 million people live with diabetes worldwide, and an estimated 193 million people have undiagnosed diabetes (Chatterjee et al., 2017). This number is expected to rise to 625 million by 2045 (Forouhi & Wareham, 2019). Type 2 diabetes accounts for more than 90% of patients with diabetes and leads to microvascular and macrovascular complications that cause profound psychological and physical distress to both patients and providers, and put a huge burden on health-care systems (Chatterjee et al., 2017). Despite increasing knowledge of the disease process an treatment, the rate of diabetes keeps on climbing. Between 1980 and 2004, the global rise in obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and an aging population have quadrupled the prevalence of type 2 diabetes (Chatterjee et al., 2017).

With this type of sustained increasing prevalence, it is important for providers to be aware of the most current statistics and treatments. This is particularly true for providers who work with patients who suffer form food insecurity. Food insecurity is associated with higher HBA1c (Berkowitz et al., 2018). Therefore, it is crucial that providers be aware of the social determinants of health and how they relate back to the patients diagnosis.

This topic was chosen as this disease is silent, doing damage to vital organs and microvasculature long before the patient is aware of any symptoms. It is up to providers to be keen on screening and be well informed enough to provide thorough education to their patients.

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Nursing Commons



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