"Hirschsprung-Associated Enterocolitis" by Erin Shann

Nursing Student Class Projects (Formerly MSN)

Academic Term


Document Type


Course Number

NURS 6810

Course Name

Advanced Pathophysiology

Professor’s Name

Dr.John Chovan, Dr.Sue Butz


Hirschsprung disease, treatment of enterocolitis, enterocolitis, pathophysiology of hirschsprung disease, rectal irrigation, nursing implications

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Hirschsprung disease (HD) occurs when there is an abnormal development in the enteric nervous system leading to ganglion cells being absent in the colon (Avansino & Levitt, 2017). HD presents as severe abdominal distention, failure to pass a meconium stool within the first 48 hours of life, difficulty feeding, bilious vomiting in the newborn period, and as prolonged severe constipation in the older child (Avansino & Levitt, 2017). Undiagnosed HD can lead to a life-threatening condition called enterocolitis. Enterocolitis presentation varies per individual with the most common symptoms, including abdominal distention, foul-smelling explosive stools, loud rumbling noises coming from the abdomen, and fever (Langer et al., 2017). The cause of Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis (HAEC) is unknown (Gosain et al., 2017), but a goblet cell dysfunction may result in intestinal barrier dysfunction contributing to HAEC (Nakamura et al., 2018). HAEC is challenging to diagnose due to non-specific symptoms and is underreported (Gosain et al., 2017). Proper preventative measures and treatment for those presenting with symptoms of enterocolitis are needed to decrease the risk of developing severe HAEC.

Included in

Nursing Commons



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