"ARDS Pathophysiology" by Kyle Kocher

Nursing Student Class Projects (Formerly MSN)

Academic Term

Spring 7-27-2017

Document Type


Course Number


Course Name

Advanced Pathophysiology

Professor’s Name

Dr. Chovan


ARDS, Pathophysiology, Nursing, ALI

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a very prevalent disease process in intensive care units around the world. It is estimated that the incidence of ARDS is 75 cases per 100,000 people in the United States (Balaan, Bihler, & Yadam, 2016). It is described as a refractory hypoxemia with pulmonary edema from a noncardiogenic cause (Balaan et al., 2016). The definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome itself has been debated and changed many times throughout the years. The most recently adopted definition of ARDS is the Berlin definition which uses several components to describe the disease. These components included timing (within one week of initial insult), chest radiography (bilateral infiltrates), origin of edema (noncardiogenic) and severity of hypoxemia (mild, moderate, and severe) (The ARDS Definition Task Force, 2012). The severity of hypoxemia is based on pa02/Fi02 ratios with 300 or less being mild, 200 or less being moderate, and 100 or less being severe (Balaan et al., 2016). Acute respiratory distress syndrome can be brought on by a primary cause or secondary cause with the hallmark being increased capillary permeability (Balaan et al., 2016). This poster presentation addresses the underlying pathophysiology, significance of pathophysiology, treatment options, and implications for nursing care.

Included in

Nursing Commons



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