"von Willebrand Disease" by Hannah Smith

Nursing Student Class Projects (Formerly MSN)

Document Type


Course Number


Course Name

Advanced Pathophysiology

Professor’s Name

John Chovan


von Willebrand disease, VWD, hemophilia, hematology

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing


von Willebrand disease is a complex disease requiring a complex diagnoses and treatment. The family nurse practitioner must be familiar in the care of this population. The most common signs and symptoms are heavy menses and epistaxis (Abshire et al., 2015, p. 1585). The pathophysiology differs based on what type of von Willebrand disease (VWD) the patient has. VWD has many different inheritance patterns. Type 3 (the most severe) usually happens when the gene is passed from the mother as well as the father. If the inheritance pattern is recessive, and neither parent phenotypically has the disease, then the child has a 25% chance on inheriting the severe form ("How von Willebrand is inherited," 2014, para. 1). Type 1 is the least severe and is when there are less than normal amounts of circulating VWD (Roberts & Flood, 2015). Diagnoses is made from a wide range of laboratory results that each type (and subtype) follow (Roberts & Flood, 2015). Treatment also varies based on the type of VWD diagnosed. DDAVP, anti-platelets and intravenous administered factor are all options (Leebeek & Eikenboom, 2016).

Included in

Nursing Commons



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