Masters Theses/Capstone Projects
Date of Award
Spring 5-2020
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Science in Allied Health (MS)
Dr. Paul Longenecker
Lifestyle, Recreation Center, Exercise, Facility Management, Childcare, Youth Programs
Subject Categories
Higher Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Other Public Health | Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion
The Groveport Recreation Center provides aquatics, a weight room with exercise equipment, two basketball courts, a fitness studio, a childcare area, senior center, a climbing wall, and an indoor track. Exercise classes, programs, and training sessions with personal trainers are available for members. People of all ages can find an activity that will benefit their mental and physical health.
Whether it be working with kids or adults, getting a group engaged and having fun during exercise is a large factor in getting maximum effort. Clear, open and honest communication between employees of the Recreation Center is essential to keep it running smoothly. Positive energy while at work is contagious. Greet those who enter and leave with a smile, treat coworkers with respect, and do your job the best you can.
Recommended Citation
Wareti, Matthew, "Groveport Recreation Center - "Freedom, Fun & Fitness"" (2020). Masters Theses/Capstone Projects. 64.
Included in
Higher Education Commons, Other Public Health Commons, Public Health Education and Promotion Commons