Masters Theses/Capstone Projects

Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Allied Health (MS)


Dr. Paul Longenecker


Employer services, Health, Wellness, Biometric Screening

Subject Categories

Health and Medical Administration | Higher Education | Medicine and Health Sciences


Employer Services is one of the many divisions within OhioHealth. The division’s focus is to improve the health and wellness of different employers. This includes onsite clinics, health screenings, flu shots, fitness and nutrition programming, and tobacco cessation programs. OhioHealth offers biometric screenings to employers to determine how healthy employees are. The number of risk factors an employee determines their health insurance. OhioHealth’s 2 largest companies are Nationwide Children’s Hospital and OhioHealthy. Part of these biometric screenings includes screening for tobacco. These cotinine results are stored in a physical book that they bring to different biometric events. The majority of the time was spent focusing on alternative methods of collecting results without printing new copies of the OhioHealth Cotinine book used in biometric screenings.



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