Masters Theses/Capstone Projects

Date of Award

Spring 4-28-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Curriculum and Instruction (MAE)

First Committee Member

Diane Ross


Diane Ross

Second Committee Member

Erin Johnson

Third Committee Member

Dee Knoblauch


Immersion, Writing, Writing Workshop, French, Elementary Immersion

Subject Categories

Elementary Education | Higher Education


The purpose of this curriculum development project was to address the need of more writing in elementary French immersion school in grade five French class through the fusion on the writing workshop and the ECRI model (Reasoned and Coherent Writing in Immersion). The writing workshop is proven to work in schools teaching students writing in L1 and the Ecri model was developed by teachers who are experienced in teaching in an immersion setting to help students write in L2. A new framework was developed based on those two frameworks above to support fifth graders in a French immersion school to improve their writing skills. The curriculum developed within this project used those models to create a French unit as a guide to teaching narrative writing in L2.

Licensing Permission

Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use

Acknowledgement 1


Acknowledgement 2




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