Masters Theses/Capstone Projects
Date of Award
Spring 2023
Document Type
Degree Name
Family Nurse Practitioner (MSN)
Regina Prusinski
HTN Management, Blood Pressure, Patient Centered Measure, Practitioner Performance, Quality Improvement Project
Subject Categories
Family Practice Nursing | Medical Sciences | Nursing
High blood pressure (HBP), also known as Hypertension (HTN), is a common diagnosis for primary care office visits in the United States; however, a persistent gap remains between the stated public health targets and achieved blood pressure (BP) control rates in the United States (US). In a small sample of patients with essential HTN (ICD 10: I10) receiving primary care at a mid-western Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), a chart audit tool revealed 10 out of 10 patients achieved BP control during the measurement period (defined as a BP reading <140/90). Quality improvement (QI) analysis revealed the bigger picture: Achieved BP control rates of patients does not reflect the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association HBP guidelines. Additionally, the author found potential care gaps for patients in elevated BP (120-129/>80; n=34) and Stage 1 HTN (130-139/80-89; n=44) categories (who according to the measure, were classified as having adequate BP control). A growing body of evidence suggests that looking at cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk and BP level to guide treatment is more efficient and cost-effective than looking at BP level alone, and if we are to achieve optimal BP control rates in the US, harmonization of stated public health targets and implementation of standardized measures in practice is a critical next step.
Licensing Permission
Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use
Acknowledgement 1
Acknowledgement 2
Recommended Citation
Tatusko, Heather M., "Controlling High Blood Pressure" (2023). Masters Theses/Capstone Projects. 125.
Poster and Abstract