Masters Theses/Capstone Projects
Date of Award
Spring 4-14-2022
Document Type
Degree Name
Reading (MAE)
First Committee Member
Carrie Scheckelhoff
Dr. Paul Wendel
Second Committee Member
Dr. Daniel Cho
Enrichment, Reading, Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading, Gifted and Talented
Subject Categories
Early Childhood Education | Elementary Education | Gifted Education
The purpose of this study was to determine if the Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading will raise comprehension and retelling in typically developing and gifted and talented students. The research questions ask whether the program will increase comprehension (question 1) and if the program was more effective for the gifted students versus the general classroom population (question 2). The Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading was implemented through a 4-week study with pre- and post- assessments to measure the changes in comprehension and retelling. The results showed that the Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading was effective in raising comprehension and retelling in all students, but measured no difference between gifted and typically developing students.
Licensing Permission
Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use
Recommended Citation
Snowden, Catie, "Better for Gifted Students? Comparing the SEM-R Program for Gifted and Typically Gifted Students" (2022). Masters Theses/Capstone Projects. 100.
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Early Childhood Education Commons, Elementary Education Commons, Gifted Education Commons