Undergraduate Honors Thesis Projects
Date of Award
Document Type
Honors Paper
Degree Name
Dr. Meredith Meyer
First Committee Member
Dr. Cynthia Laurie-Rose
Second Committee Member
Dr. Stephanie Patridge
Social Media, Well-Being, Adolescence, Development
Subject Categories
Developmental Psychology | Social Psychology
With more people using social media platforms at younger ages, it is imperative to understand the relationship between social media use and subjective well-being. Previous research regarding young adults and their use of social media has shown inconclusive results concerning frequency of social media use and well-being. The current study focused on a younger adolescent population and on their motivations for posting on social media as opposed to their general frequency of use. Thirty seven middle school students took an online survey asking questions regarding frequency of social media use, motivations for use, self esteem, life satisfaction, and source of perceived social support—family versus friend support. The findings indicated that, as predicted, frequency of use had no relationship with life satisfaction or self esteem. Furthermore, motivation for use was the sole significant predictor of life satisfaction compared to the other predictor variables. In other words, participants who use social media for positive motivations more frequently than negative motivations showed higher life satisfaction scores.
Recommended Citation
Hutcheson, Kimberly R., "Social Media Usage and Subjective Well-Being in Middle School Students" (2016). Undergraduate Honors Thesis Projects. 29.