"An Analysis of Groundwater Quality as Sampling Networks Age: The Gaps " by Angela Leone

Date of Award


Document Type

Distinction Paper

Degree Name

Environmental Science-BS


Biology & Earth Science


Dr. Kevin Svitana

First Committee Member

Dr. Kevin Svitana

Second Committee Member

Dr. Jeffrey Lehman

Third Committee Member

Dr. Steffanie Burk


Groundwater, Sampling, Groundwater Quality, Waste Management, RCRA, Landfill, Well Construction

Subject Categories

Environmental Health and Protection | Geology | Hydrology | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Water Resource Management


Groundwater management is an important facet of protecting this important resource. One way that we ensure proper groundwater management is through the regular, long-term monitoring of groundwater wells at waste management sites throughout the country. This study investigates potential changes to groundwater quality attributed to degradation of well construction materials rather than impacts to aquifers from wastes. This assessment was completed using a data analysis of groundwater trends at closed landfill sites. An analysis of fifty-five sites was completed and three sites met our criteria for suitable data history. Due to the lack of suitable data, a more thorough investigation is needed to determine if changes in groundwater quality can be attributed to degradation of well construction materials.
