Date of Award


Document Type

Distinction Paper

Degree Name

Criminology and Justice Studies-BA


Sociology, Criminology and Justice Studies


Dr. Leesa Kern

First Committee Member

Dr. Leesa Kern

Second Committee Member

Dr. Michele Acker

Third Committee Member

Dr. Jenny Merkowitz


police, training, sexual assault, stalking, domestic violence

Subject Categories

Criminology | Higher Education | Psychology


The current study examines how police officers in various settings perceive interpersonal violence response training as well as how they respond to vignettes detailing hypothetical scenarios of sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. A common criticism of experience with police following a traumatic occurrence of sexual or interpersonal violence is inappropriate attitude and conduct on behalf of law enforcement agents. Trauma and victim centered training may improve police responding within this field; however, the training received is variable (Campbell et al., 2019; Kinney et al., 2007). In this study, ten participants answered interview or survey items detailing the extent of their training on interpersonal violence and how they perceived such trainings. Additionally, participants completed a survey wherein they read vignettes detailing a hypothetical scenario of interpersonal violence and described how they would respond. The hypothesis for this study, that officers who have completed more training will display more elements of trauma-informed knowledge and response than officers who have completed less training was unsupported. Additionally, three inductive themes were identified in participant response such as de-emphasizing the importance of IV trainings, a victim-centered/trauma informed response, and a need for alteration in trainings.

Licensing Permission

Copyright, all rights reserved. Fair Use

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