Spring Great Expectation Faculty Conference
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The 2015 Great Expectations Spring Faculty Conference features a keynote speech by Kathleen Blake Yancey. Kathleen Blake Yancey is Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor at Florida State University. A (past) president of several scholarly organizations--among them the National Council of Teachers of English and the Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA)--she co-founded and co-edited Assessing Writing for seven years, and she just stepped down from her five-year term as Editor of College Composition and Communication. She is the author of numerous articles, book chapters, and twelve books—including Portfolios in the Writing Classroom; Delivering College Composition: The Fifth Canon;Assessing Writing across the Curriculum; and Writing across Contexts: Composition, Transfer, and Sites of Writing. She has received several awards, including the 2013 Donald Murray Writing Prize; the 2009 CWPA Best Book Award; and the 2015 CCCC Research Impact Award.
After the keynote speech, breakout sessions on writing to learn strategies, the integration cafe, international travel courses, and inclusive teaching were held. The day ended with a happy hour.
Publication Date
Otterbein University
Transfer, Content Design, Inclusiveness, Education, Faculty, Conference, Otterbein University
Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Affairs, Academic, "2015 Great Expectations Spring Faculty Conference: General Education" (2015). Spring Great Expectation Faculty Conference. 8.