Spring Great Expectation Faculty Conference
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The 2017 Great Expectations Spring Faculty Conference feature a keynote speech by Dr. Richard Detweiler.
Rick. Detweiler is the president of the Great Lakes Colleges Association and the founder of the Global Liberal Arts Alliance, a coalition of 29 universities from 16 countries working to strengthen education in the tradition of the liberal arts and sciences.
His formative professional experience was time as a Peace Corps Volunteer on a small Pacific island, which led him to study social and intercultural psychology at Princeton University where he earned his MA and PhD. He began a faculty career at Drew University where he taught courses in social psychology, research methods, and intercultural relations for 19 years. An advocate for university planning and innovation he also accepted various administrative responsibilities which eventually led him to become president and professor of psychology at Hartwick College in New York. Prior to coming to the GLCA he also held positions as Distinguished Fellow and interim president of the Council on Library and Information Resources in Washington, DC. In addition, he holds an appointment as a foundation fellow at Oxford University’s Harris Manchester College.
He consults with colleges and universities on the development and implementation of educational strategies to fulfill liberal arts purposes, faculty leadership development, and strategic planning and priority setting processes. He is an active researcher and author in higher education, intercultural relations, and international education and speaks frequently on issues related to the future of higher education and the values and impact of the liberal arts and sciences. He was a founding dean of the Frye Leadership Institute at Emory University, the recipient of a Carnegie Mellon University/AMS Award for leadership in the innovative use of computer and communications technology, is on the board of trustees of Sterling College in Vermont, and has served as a board member of many higher education organizations. His research on the liberal arts and its long-term impact on personal, professional, and societal success and fulfillment is forthcoming as a book.
After the keynote speech, there were breakout sessions hosted by various groups and departments and the day ended with a social hour.
Publication Date
Otterbein University
Long Term Impact, Education, Civic Virtues, Faculty, Conference, Otterbein University
Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Affairs, Academic, "2017 Great Expectations Spring Faculty Conference: Discovering the Life-Long Benefits of General Education" (2017). Spring Great Expectation Faculty Conference. 6.