Our Town

Our Town


Streaming Media


Thorton Wilder

Performance Dates

February 9-12, 16-19 & 23-25, 2023

Creative Team

Directed by Lenny Leibowitz

Mime Direction by Melinda Murphy

Scenic Design by Gabriela Ahumada (‘23)

Lighting Design by Kyle Krygielski

Costume Design by Rebecca White

Hair & Makeup Design by Cassie Perlatti (‘23)

Sound Design by Nicole Hunter (‘23)

Stage Managed by Aaron Mendoza (‘24)


Our Town is a three-act play written by American playwright Thornton Wilder in 1938. Described by Edward Albee as "the greatest American play ever written",[1] it presents the fictional American town of Grover's Corners between 1901 and 1913 through the everyday lives of its citizens.

Wilder uses metatheatrical devices, setting the play in the actual theatre where it is being performed. The main character is the stage manager of the theatre who directly addresses the audience, brings in guest lecturers, fields questions from the audience, and fills in playing some of the roles. The play is performed without a set on a mostly bare stage. With a few exceptions, the actors mime actions without the use of props.

Our Town
