Fall Faculty Conference
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The 2016 Fall Faculty Conference featured an interactive workshop by Kim Brazwell. Kimberly Brazwell is a diversity practitioner and trained facilitator with experience in designing experiential workshops through the practice of mindfulness and storytelling. Passionate service through social justice advocacy has opened doors for Brazwell as a highly requested speaker and dialogue facilitator with invitations ranging from training workshops to keynotes as far as Westphalia, Germany. Brazwell has over 15 years of experience in educational administration, diversity and inclusion efforts, wellness advocacy and community building. She is an alum of Ohio University with a Bachelor of Science in Interpersonal Communication and a graduate of Ohio State University with a master’s degree in Educational Policy and Leadership. KiMISTRY, Brazwell’s consulting firm, specializes in reshaping “fit” perspective by examining the intersectionality of trauma, cultural code-switching and classroom/workplace engagement. Outside of social justice work, Brazwell is also a visual practitioner, writer and performing artist.
The conference also featured teaching showcases by Kristina Escondo (Modern Languages & Cultures), Victoria Frisch (Modern Languages & Cultures), Eric Jones (Communication), and Char Seevers (Nursing).
Publication Date
Otterbein University
Faculty, Conference, Otterbein University, Teaching, Tension In The Classroom, Equity, Inclusion
Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Affairs, Academic, "2016 Fall Faculty Conference: Equity & Inclusion: Head Heart Hands" (2016). Fall Faculty Conference. 7.