The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera
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Materials/Description of item
Beulah Songs: A Choice Collection of Popular Hymns and Music, New and Old was published in 1879 by the Publishing Association for the Promotion of Holiness in Philadelphia. The book is a collection of popular hymns and songs intended to be used at camp meetings, prayer meetings, and conference meetings.
Cornell Collection, Christian Music, Music History
Cultural History | History | United States History
Recommended Citation
McDonald, Rev. W. and Hartsough, Rev. L., "Beulah Songs: A Choice Collection of Popular Hymns and Music, New and Old." (1879). The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Collection: Ephemera. 318.
Notes on the item
The front endpapers of this book have handwritten notation that indicates ownership, which include "Sherman L. Budd, Harlem and Maxwell, His Book" in pencil and "S. L. Budd" in red ink. It is possible that Mr. Sherman Budd was the initial owner of this book, which would later make its way into the Cornell Family's hands.