"Diary From 1862" by Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell

The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Diaries

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The 1862 diary of Lucinda Merriss focuses on her life at home with family and with friends and acquaintances. This diary begins with shopping lists and cash accounts listed by month. There is also an entry for "Confiscation Song" which is sung towards slaves in the south. There are several entries involving aspects of the Civil War, as well as various births, marriages, and deaths of known persons. Notable dates include:

Feb 1: A visit to Camp Chase.

March 11: Her brother Billy Merriss dies after a tree he chopped down landed on him.

August 12-20: Various visits to Camp Chase by members of the family.

September 2: News of the 95th Regiment's capture arrives.

September 21: Ed Hinman, paroled prisoner of war, begins working for the Merriss family. Frank Powell, another paroled prisoner, begins showing up in entries around this time as well.

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