"Diary From 1865" by Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell

The Lucinda Lenore Merriss Cornell Diaries

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The 1865 diary of Lucinda Cornell focuses on aspects of her life in her new home in Westerville, with regular visits to her parent's home in Hilliard. It involves those around her on a regular basis. It also includes information on births, deaths, and marriages of known persons. This year we find Lucinda pregnant with her first child. She rarely makes direct note of this, but rather couches it in coded language of time passing and of discoveries. Significant dates include:

February 9-13: A series of church events leading to many converts.

April 14: Lincoln shot in Washington.

April 29: Visit to the State House to see Lincoln's remains.

May 8: Death of Catherine Cornell.

May 9: Makes an important and astonishing discovery.

July 13: Lucinda's father dies.

August 15: First meal alone with just John.

September 14-15: Visit to the fair with her family.

October 12-13: John goes off to drill, presumably with his military unit.

November 18: Lucinda and her siblings travel to Columbus to inquire about selling her father's property.

December 25: A large family gathering at home for Christmas.

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