"Origami Birds Note Wishes for the Library's 50th Anniversary from Joan" by Courtright Memorial Library

175 Cardinals



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Joan Rocks


Question: Please answer one or both of the following.

1. What is your wish for Courtright Memorial Library in the next 50 years?

2. Tell us what you love about Courtright Memorial Library!

Transcription: “My wish will answer both questions. In the next 50 years and what I love most about Courtright Memorial Library is the faculty and staff. They are the engines that never quit and never say no. They work tirelessly to fill so many learning needs of our students and faculty. This is one group that I know I can always count on." Keep up the Great Work! With appreciation, Joan Rocks.


Westerville, Ohio


Origami Birds Note Wishes, Courtright Memorial Library, 50th Anniversary


Origami Birds Note Wishes for the Library's 50th Anniversary written by Joan Rocks


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