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Donald T. Austin


"The water you touch in a river is the last of that which has passed, and the first of that which is coming; Thus it is with time."

Leonardo DaVinci


36" X 18"




Digital Inkjet Proof; Images produced with iPhoto 7+ phone camera; Typography and layout produced in Adobe Illustrator




Columbus, Ohio

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Most rivers begin as a small spring that trickles out of the ground following a course for several hundred miles, gathering more water, earth and reflection on their way to the oceans. In the reflections are the landscapes and people they touch. All water is in constant motion around the earth, flowing, seeping and evaporating. It moves in the earth’s atmosphere around the equator and polar icecaps, forms clouds that move back over land and returns to the surface in the form of rain and snow. The water filters its way through the earth cutting and carving its thoughts into the land and carrying with it history– history of our planet and the history of our existence. The river carries with it life, both past and present. It is the source for physical and emotional healing as well. When in its presence, one can feel life, history and the power of the Universe from the dawn of creation. The river awakens a deep feeling within all of us… a connection to life… a connection to the planet… a connection to everything.

Rivers 1

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