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Date Range

Fall 2018


Donald T. Austin


“Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.”

Elbert Hubbard


40" X 15"




Digital Inkjet Proof; Images produced with iPhoto 7+ phone camera; Typography and layout produced in Adobe Illustrator


Four Mound Prairie, Washington


Columbus, Ohio

Time Period

Fall 2018

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As if it been upstaged by the moon on the day of the Solar Eclipse, the Sun decided to put on a show for the next two evenings. I will not forget these wonderful moments out on the prairie in Eastern Washington. We were playing outside when both my son and I stopped and said in unison, “Wow!” Though we were just in the front yard, we both felt like we had been transported to a different place. Sunsets are a perfect time to pause, count your blessings and recognize how fortunate we all are to witness the art of the Universe. They are all special, even more so when you share these moments with someone you love. If you can, make a point each day to stop and watch the sunset. Skies such as these connect all of us in a way that brings peace of mind and a kind smile. They are reminders of how beautiful this planet is and, when the last day’s light is reflected off of our faces, it illuminates the beauty in all of us. This is what feeling good looks like.

Sun 2

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