"Leading by Example" by Miguel Martinez-Saenz , Provost, Academic Affairs and Johnny D. Pryor

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Title

Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal


Academic Advising, Mentoring, Role Model


The authors discuss in this article how universities and colleges would be served well if students were being exposed to people who exemplify and illustrate in their daily lives the values of their institution. Our goal is to illuminate why academic advisers, other academic affairs professionals, and faculty can (and should) serve as role models who exemplify the mission, vision, and values of an institution. This would enable students to learn about the institution's mission and also how to live lives of magnanimity and integrity.

Original Citation

Martinez-Saenz, Miguel and Johnny D. Pryor. "Leading by Example." The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal. (Oct. 2006). Web. 17 Nov. 2014. Retrieved from http://dus.psu.edu/mentor/


Publisher's Version

Publisher's Statement

The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly publication about academic advising in higher education. The journal is free and published only online. From The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal (http://dus.psu.edu/mentor), Oct. 1, 2006. Reprinted with permission. - See more at: http://dus.psu.edu/mentor/citations-reprints/#sthash.4HwAlXrK.dpuf

Peer Reviewed




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