Date of Award

Winter 12-5-2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Dr. Joy Shoemaker DNP

First Committee Member

Dr. John Chovan PhD DNP

Second Committee Member

Dr. Eva Fried DNP

Third Committee Member

Dr. Kirk Hummer DNP


Transgender health, Acute and primary healthcare, Health disparity, advance practice nurses, healthcare bias

Subject Categories

Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Emergency Medicine | Family Practice Nursing | Medical Education | Medicine and Health Sciences | Other Medicine and Health Sciences | Primary Care


The purpose of this project was to improve knowledge and identify personal bias and beliefs in the acute and primary healthcare needs of transgender persons, through the implementation of a clinical education program with healthcare providers and staff working within the urgent care and emergency department settings. The need for such a program exists due to the lack of suitable and accessible healthcare that may lead to misdiagnosis, delay of treatment and poor health outcomes. Including clinical education in the acute and primary healthcare needs of transgender persons that can be integrated into healthcare organizations may aid in the improvement of overall healthcare and healthcare experiences of transgender persons. Goals of the educational program included: increased healthcare provider and staff knowledge in the acute and primary care of transgender persons; identification of personal bias and beliefs in the healthcare of transgender persons; and the identification of factors limiting transgender persons seeking healthcare. One hundred and sixty-four participants were approached as potential participants within the program, only four elected to participate. Some of the limitations of the program can be contributed to time requirements and personal beliefs. Future research may include the incorporation of a succinct program with minimal time requirement or the exploration of participant interest. Through the incorporation of an easily accessible, cost effective, electronically based education program, healthcare providers and staff in the urgent care and emergency room settings had the ability to obtain needed transgender inclusive healthcare knowledge.



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