Date of Award

Spring 4-12-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Music, Cesarean Section, Primigravida, Anxiety, Anxiolysis

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences


Primigravida women undergoing cesarean section under neuraxial anesthesia frequently suffer from anxiety in the perioperative period. Literature suggests this population suffers disproportionately due to gender, surgical naiveness, lack of birthing experience, fear of complications, and exposure to the operating theatre’s noxious environment. Despite the high anxiety prevalence and numerous negative consequences, safe treatment options are lacking. Unfortunately, contemporary pharmacologic therapy to treat anxiety threatens the parturient and the fetus. However, the field of medicine has long appreciated music’s physiologically calming effects on the body. This project details a literature search, review, synthesis, and analysis of the available literature supporting and guiding the use of music intervention in the defined population. With the Iowa Model, this final scholarly project develops evidence-based practice guidelines for using music as a form of anxiolysis in the perioperative period. The secondary goals for the project were to create a comprehensive implementation, monitoring, and adjustment plan if the project outcomes were not as expected. The project was developed for the proposed implementation at a high throughput obstetric and gynecological unit within a large, inner-city, comprehensive teaching hospital in Southwest Ohio with a Level 1 Trauma Center designation. By implementing music intervention in the perioperative period for primigravida women undergoing cesarean section under neuraxial anesthesia, women can enjoy decreased levels of anxiety, decreased incidence of tachycardia, and other improved surgical and anesthesia outcomes.

Acknowledgement 1


Acknowledgement 2


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