Masters Theses/Capstone Projects
Date of Award
Spring 3-3-2022
Document Type
Degree Name
Curriculum and Instruction (MAE)
First Committee Member
Dr. Dee Knoblauch
Dr. Dee Knoblauch
Second Committee Member
Dr. Daniel Cho
Third Committee Member
Dr. Diane Ross
21st Century Skills, Project Based Learning, PBL, Four Cs of Learning, Curriculum Development
Subject Categories
Higher Education
The purpose of this study is to present a 21st century curriculum designed specifically for fourth grade students. The curriculum utilizes the Four Cs of learning and Project Based Learning frameworks, in order to provide best practices for all students to achieve academic success and 21st century skill development. The following question framed the literature research that was conducted to develop this curriculum: How can we create a curriculum that covers required academic content standards while incorporating 21st century skills in order to prepare our students to be successful in their future endeavors? The question was answered through literature research regarding best practices for incorporating 21st century learning within the classroom. The research was combined with culturally relevant pedagogy criteria to develop a cross curricular curriculum that teaches, English language arts, social studies, science, social emotional standards, as well as, 21st century skills. The sample unit plan is a guide for other educators interested in incorporating this curriculum into their own classrooms.
Licensing Permission
Copyright, some rights reserved. Attribution – Noncommercial – No Derivative Works
Recommended Citation
Sheppard, Sarah, "A Curriculum Development for 21st Century Learners: Using Project Based Learning to Teach the Four Cs Required for Today and Tomorrow's Workforce" (2022). Masters Theses/Capstone Projects. 99.