Masters Theses/Capstone Projects

Athletic Training: From the Clinic to the Classroom

Morgan McCool, Otterbein University


The purpose of this practicum experience was to evaluate the importance of immersing a practicing clinical certified athletic trainer (ATC) into the classroom setting in a CAATE accredited athletic training education program. The ATC was responsible for facilitating student communication with other ATCs in an effort to reduce the stress of classroom assignments on clinical ATCs and develop an effective method for students to accomplish directed clinical observations.

The ATC also worked alongside professors to learn and understand how to develop classroom lecture material, as well as interactive, hands-on laboratory experiences for students. The goal for the ATC was to gain confidence in delivering information in a lecture format as opposed to a traditional clinical setting.

The importance of the presence of a currently practicing clinical athletic trainer in the curriculum of a CAATE accredited athletic training education program is beneficial for both the athletic trainer and students. Students are provided with daily classroom and clinical learning from a licensed healthcare professional in which they can learn effective, up-to-date medical interventions which are being utilized within the profession to coincide with traditional classroom learning. While the experience proved to be challenging for the athletic trainer, the ATC grew more confident in delivering information in a classroom lecture format, as well as being able to develop evidence-based classroom material for enhanced student learning.

Outside of the classroom, the ATC proved to be effective in providing a welcoming and supportive environment for freshmen athletic training students, as well as providing organization and student-accountability with the development of a documentation system.